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help kids
resolve conflict in a healthy way

PeaceWiseKids is a Christian program that equips young people to deal with challenging relationships and conflict in healthy, constructive & life-changing ways.

courses to grow peacemakers for life

PeaceWiseKids provides some awesome features you'll love!
Features with * apply to premium online product

fun, interactive and easy to use

Our age appropriated courses include videos, quizzes and live activities as well as course worksheets, lesson plans and more for 'offline' use.

customised to suit your context

Designed for use in school, at church or at home. PeaceWiseKids gives teachers, leaders and parents a 'ready to go' curriculum.

one easy dashboard to manage your students*

We've created a custom dashboard for you to manage group leaders, course participants, forums and reporting in your organisation with the click of a button.

personalised groups, forums and reporting built in*

Teachers and students can interact directly in a private group forum designed to spark discussion and encourage each other in what you're all learning.

designed to fulfil Australian curriculum outcomes*

We know that for many people, these courses need to tick all the boxes for curriculum outcomes, so we've got you covered with a full outline of the outcomes covered in each section of our courses and offline material.

downloadable lesson plans and activity worksheets

Part of leading your group through learning how to become a peacemaker is to take what they've seen in the teaching videos then give them the chance to interact with these principles in class. We've got you covered with offline activities including worksheets and lesson plans.

What an absolute joy it is to see students' lives transformed as they learn to be peacemakers who breathe grace and respond to conflict in a way that honours God. I know from personal experience what a change it can make to the whole culture of a school and the relationships within it!

Judy Linossier, Principal (Drouin)
Chairo Christian School

As a principal of a Christian School I am excited by the potential of the PeaceWiseKids material. I have personally seen the impact of using the PeaceWise approach to resolving conflict with adults, especially in Christian communities, and look forward to further shaping the lives of the children in our care by embedding the principles of PeaceWise in the life of our school.

William Rusin, former Principal
Covenant Christian School

our courses in 3 simple steps

It's normal for every young person to participate in unfriendly behaviour at school or with friends on some level, even in a really subtle or unintentional way. This could be teasing, bullying, exclusion or just plain selfishness.

Our courses help kids and youth understand relationships within a Christian framework in their language and in a fun and interactive way. We give them the practical tools to address their problem relationships and build better friendships.

With their new skills, young people have a greater understanding of themselves and their peers. Being a peacemaker is a "life-skill" they can then take with them for the rest of their lives. And use it to change their world.

PeaceWiseKids courses are age appropriate

Courses are divided into primary and high school age groups

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